Thursday, November 6, 2008

Misheard Lyrical Words.....

You're sitting in your car, listening to the Energy 101-5 "All E-Quest Lunch". Madonna pumps through the speakers, and you start belting it out....."Like a Virgin, touched for the 31st time"!! Um, wrong.
Don't feel bad, cuz you're in good company! There are websites dedicated to popular song lyrics that are commonly misheard. One of the better ones is
Today I asked "Energy Nation" about lyrics in tracks they've commonly screwed up. The response was overwhelming....and I laughed through my entire show. I will be sharing what Energy listeners shared with me, next week. If you'd like to add any of your misheard lyrics to my audio montage, please call me!! 1-866-467-101-5! My mid-day show runs weekdays, 10am-3pm.
I leave you with a track I used to mess up as a kid, from the
Bonnie Tyler song "It's a Heartache".....I used to think she was singing, "It's a Hard Egg"! DUH!


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