Today, standing in the coffee line I heard an interesting conversation between two women. They were talking about a picture they saw on-line of actor Pierce Brosnan and his wife of eight years, Keely Shaye Smith....
The picture they were eluding to, was one taken lastnight at the Golden Globe Awards. (Pierce was a presenter at lastnight's show). Their comments went something like this...."it's so unusual to see a man as gorgeous as Pierce Brosnan with a woman who's overweight". My blood started to boil.....truth be told, I couldn't wait to get back to my work computer and take a look at the internet pics of Pierce and Keely. So, I am now looking at one of the many pics taken lastnight of them. Truth be told, I think Keely looks absolutely stunning. I suppose the conversation I overheard today, relates more to what women in Hollywood are "expected" to look like....especially when they're married to gorgeous A-List actors.
It got me thinking.....if an older, overweight male actor showed up on the red carpet with a gorgeous, younger woman on his arm, I'm betting the two women in the coffee line this morning wouldn't have been talking about it. I'll be the first to admit, if I see an old guy with a young, beautiful woman, I assume the guy has tons of money. I suppose I'm as bad as the coffee line women wondering what Pierce is doing with a woman who's struggling with her weight.
Again, I think Keely looks beautiful and healthy. And GASP, maybe she and Pierce are together cuz because they're in love. What a concept.
PS-I'm attaching a pic of the beautiful couple. You be the judge!
Victoria Markey at 11:38am January 12
Pierce is lucky to have such a beautiful wife!!! I totally agree, even if she wasn't stunning it's on the inside that matters, too bad some ppl haven't figure that out!!
Jill DeYoung at 11:39am January 12
They are both stunning.
Cherrilyn Hernaez at 12:08pm January 12
As a mere observation, it is evident that these comments were made from women who value their appearance more than their hearts. They are obviously unhappy with themselves but are in denial. What a shame that these women need to devalue someone in order to feel better about themselves. It would be interesting to see how happy they are in their ... Read Moreown lives if they judge with such disdain! They must really work hard to get people to like them or spend a lot of money to get people to notice them.
Erin, thank-you for posting this. This makes me really sad that people are so cruel!!!
Shalini Ruparell at 1:02pm January 12
Wow. I really like it!
And you are totally right. If it was a reversed situation then no one would have been talking about it at all. Just probably thinking "oh the usual ugly actor gets the hot women cuz he has $$". Gah it makes my blood boil too. Since when was being (what is hse like a size 10 or 12) "bigger" inappropriate and ok to talk about? Goes to show that the coffee shop women are totally insecure and apparently don't have their own life to be THAT concerned with someone else's life.
Good for Pierce!
Joey Uliana at 1:09pm January 12
The two women in the coffee line live in a place called Shallowood.
Because we believe the surface, we forget that surfaces aren’t who we are.
As one of my teachers is used to saying, “Do you ever notice, after you’ve known someone for a while, how their appearance changes? He/she can be the most beautiful guy/girl in the world but turns plain as popcorn when he/she has nothing to say.”
The question to last… “Are you beautiful because I love you or I love you because you are beautiful?”
Yvonne Griffiths at 2:20pm January 12
Hear hear!..nuff said Erin.
Brandy Ziegler-Venus at 2:36pm January 12
When I showed this pic to my hubby he said" WOW look at the guns on her!!!" :) Not a comment about her weight. Which goes to show that women and men see totally opposite external things. Clearly SOME women are obsessed with weight........and men, well what they see is another topic for another day:)
Zaina Chucri at 9:05pm January 12
How sad that our views have changed so much...A woman of average size/height/weight is all of a sudden overweight and too unattractive to be with a movie star?? What happened to the days when women had real bodies, anyone still remember Marilyn Monroe?? She was'nt a size 0 by any means, yet still to this day she is a sex symbol...When did we all become so shallow that any woman over a size 4 is now considered plus size?? How sad.
Emily Lamb at 11:17pm January 12
I have a little bit more respect for ol' peirce after seeing his wife. It's nice to know some guys still like a little meat on a lady
Suzanne at 1:10pm January 13
Seriously!! Keely is a beautiful woman and who the hell are those 2"hags" in line to judge? They are so bitter they can't figure out what is wrong with their own lives....wondering why they can't get a class act like Pierce! Perhaps it is because they are so shallow they wouldn't know true beauty if it hit them in the back of the head! They will always wonder what is wrong with the rest of the world before seeing themselves for what they really are!
Wow...glad I got that off my chest! ;)
Melanee Graham Rogers at 1:15pm January 13
People "struggle" with all sorts of issues, weight, depression, drugs, alcohol, OCD...the difference is you can't hide the weight.....so people judge and gossip on what is the obvious. Sad isn't it! Coming from a "larger" women's perspective...ignore the gossip, just live your life, embrace who you are...and stop judging others! :-)
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